German translation of “Hearing the person”

I am very pleased to let you know that “Hearing the person with dementia” is to be translated into German by Verlag Hans Huber, a Swiss publisher. This news came today from the UK publisher Jessica Kingsley Publishing.

Sales continue steadily throughout the world and it remains an easy to read help to families and paid caregivers who struggle with knowing how to communicate with people living with dementia.

Thanks for all your support over the past year in promoting the book to the many people worldwide who have bought it.

You can purchase it in English from our webstore

I will let you know when the German translation is available. If you want other language versions to be produced please contact the publisher Jessica Kingsley


Life within reach for the person with dementia

Putting ‘life within reach’ is important for people with dementia who may not be able to remember where things are if they cannot see them. 

Fill their world with opportunities for stimulation and pleasure by filling drawers and cabinets with objects that trigger memories and offer interesting moments for remembering and doing.

Life needs to be within sight and reach to be of use to people who mostly have a “present” to live with. The past may be less obvious or available to them even though it may be influencing their every choice and preference.

Label drawers on the outside or have glass doors on cupboards to  allow the person with memory loss to see what is there, avoiding the moment of confusion and overwhelm that can cause angry rage or sad tears or both.

Hope this helps.


Life Matters Radio National talks dementia with Bernie McCarthy

Download this mp3 file (link below) to listen to Bernie McCarthy talking with Richard Aedy on Life Matters on Radio National today. They are discussing Bernie’s recently published book Hearing the person with dementia: Person centred approaches to communication for families and caregivers.

Radio National interview 25052011