We are about to launch a new electronic CD-based multimedia learning package.
This Australian government funded project is led by Flinders University with whom we have engaged to design a tool to support rural aged care homes to provide best practice palliative care for people living with dementia.
Palliative Care is usually associated with people who have cancer or other terminal illnesses and most often involves providing nursing care and other supports at home. When it comes to dementia however, it is important to note that dementia is also a terminal illness that limits a person’s life both in length of years and in quality of life.
Palliative care for people with dementia then is provided over the course of their illness with a focus on ensuring comfort, involving family and supporting the person for a pain-free end of life.
Comfort is not only physical. Comfort is also psychological comfort of being in familiar surroundings accompanied by people who make you feel good about yourself and who ensure you can interact with them in a successful respectful way that brings you out of yourself and encourages you to flourish rather than just vegetate till the end.
Our CD-based learning package will be trialled in 6 aged care homes in South Australia and Victoria over the next 12 months. Topics covered in this multimedia package include:
What is palliative care?
What is dementia?
Person-centred care
Communication with people with dementia, with families and during decision making
Supporting people with dementia in their culture, spirituality and relationships
End of life
Grief and loss
Care for staff
This is an exciting venture for us. We will keep you updated about progress.